Term Paper
A term paper is a research paper written by students over an academic term, accounting for a large part of a grade. The online version of Merriam-Webster defined it as "a major writing assignment in a school or college course representative of a student's achievement during a term". Term papers are generally intended to describe an event, a concept, or argue a point. It is a written original work discussing a topic in detail, usually several typed pages in length, and is often due at the end of a semester.
Mobile Banking in Bangladesh: A Case Study on DBBL Mobile Banking (Rocket).
Mobile banking is a service provided by a bank or other financial institution that allows its customers to conduct a range of financial transactions remotely using a mobile device such as a mobile phone or tablet, and using software, usually called an app, provided by the financial institution for the purpose. Mobile banking is usually available on a 24-hour basis. Read more...
Operating and Managerial Structure of Dhaka Stock Exchange Existing problem and possible solution
First incorporated as East Pakistan Stock Exchange Association Ltd in 28 April 1954 and started formaltrading in 1956. It was renamed as East Pakistan Stock Exchange Ltd in 23 June 1962. Again renamed as DaccaStock Exchange Ltd in 13 May 1964. After the liberation war in 1971 the trading was discontinued for five years. In 1976 trading restarted in Bangladesh, on 16 September 1986 DSE was started. The formula for calculating DSE all share price index was changed according to IFC on 1 November 1993.Read more....
Assignment on The Human Resource Manager’s Proficiencies
In recent years, it is an fact that most top management in successful organizations recognizes the critical role, human resource management can play in achieving a company’ strategic goals. Read more...
The Role of Banking in the Economy of Bangladesh
Definition of Banking:
The term banking is defined as “accepting, for the purpose of lending or investment, of deposits of money from the public, repayable on demand or otherwise and withdrawable by cheque, draft, and order or otherwise”.
It is thus clear that the underline principle of business of banking is that the resources mobilized through the acceptance of deposits must constitute the main stream of funds which are to be utilized for lending and investment purposes. The banker is thus an intermediary and deals with money belonging to the public. Read more....
Micro-Credit Disbursement: A Study on Grameen Bank
Bangladesh is a rural country and most of the people live in village. Maximum people of Bangladesh is landless and asset less. My study is in the field of Grameen Bank with reference Ashulia district Pathalia branch.The economic development of Bangladesh depends on rural development. So, my study is very important is this context. Grameen Bank (GB) has reversed conventional banking practice by removing the need for collateral and created a banking system based on mutual trust, accountability, participation and creativity. GB provides credit to the poorest of the poor in rural Bangladesh, without any collateral. At GB, credit is a cost effective weapon to fight poverty and it serves as a catalyst in the over all development of socio-economic conditions of the poor who have been kept outside the banking orbit on the ground that they are poor and hence not bankable. Professor Muhammad Yunus, the founder of “Grameen Bank” reasoned that if financial resources can be made available to the poor people on terms and conditions that are appropriate and reasonable, “these millions of small people with their millions of small pursuits can add up to create the biggest development wonder.” Read more.....
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