
রঙিন পোশাক যতই সুন্দর হোক না কেন ধবধবে সাদা পোশাকের ওপর মানুষের আকর্ষণ বরাবরই বেশি। সাদা শুনলেই মনে হয় শুদ্ধতা আর পরিচ্ছন্নতার কথা।  সাদা কাপড়ে ঘাম, ময়লা, দাগ বসে যাওয়ার আগেই ধুয়ে ফেলার দেন পরামর্শ বিশেষজ্ঞরা। কয়েকটি নিয়ম পালন করলেই সাদা থাকবে একেবারে নতুনের মতো ধবধবে। চলুন জানা যাক কীভাবে-

সাদা কাপড় ধোয়ার নিয়ম

১. সাদা কাপড় ব্যবহারের পর বাতাসে শুকিয়ে নিতে হয়। কাপড়ে ঘামের দাগ পড়ে গেলে সেই দাগ উঠতে চায় না।

২. সুতির সাদা কাপড় ভেজানোর আগে ডিটারজেন্ট পানিতে গুলে নিতে হয়। কাপড়ের ওপর কখনওই সরাসরি ডিটারজেন্ট ঢেলে দেওয়া উচিত নয়। এতে কাপড়ের গুণগত মান নষ্ট হয়।

৩. অনেকে সাদা কাপড়ে নীল দিয়ে থাকেন। নীল দিলে সাদা কাপড় ধবধবে হওয়ার পরিবর্তে নীলচে হয়ে যায়। নীল দিতে চাইলে পরিমাণের ক্ষেত্রে একটু সাবধান থাকতে হবে। নীল বেশি পড়লে সাদা কাপড়ের ফাঁকে ফাঁকে নীলচে ছোপ পড়ে যায়।

৪. সুতির সাদা কাপড় ডিটারজেন্টে অনেক্ষণ ভিজিয়ে রাখা যায়। কিন্তু সাদা সিল্ক, জর্জেট, শিফন, মসলিন কাপড় সূতি কাপড়ের মতো বেশিক্ষণ ভেজানো যায় না। সাদা কাপড় সবসময় কড়া রোদে শুকোতে দিতে হয়। না হলে রঙের ঔজ্জ্বল্য ফিরবে না।

​বেকিং পাউডার

১. পানির সঙ্গে বেকিং পাউডার মিশিয়ে ঘন মিশ্রণ তৈরি করে নিন। এর মধ্যে ডিটারজেন্টে ধোয়া সাদা কাপড় ভিজিয়ে ৩০ মিনিট রেখে দিন। এবার পানি দিয়ে ধুয়ে ফেলুন। সাদা কাপড় ধবধবে হবে।

২. আবার এক বালতি গরম পানিতে ১ টেবিল চামচ ডিটারজেন্ট মিশিয়ে ১৫ মিনিট সাদা কাপড় ভিজিয়ে রাখুন। তারপর কাপড়টি তুলে দাগের ওপর কিছুটা বেকিং পাউডার ছিটিয়ে দিন। বেকিং পাউডার দিয়ে কিছুক্ষণ ঘষুন। ১০ মিনিট কাপড় ভিজিয়ে রাখার পর পানি দিয়ে ধুয়ে ফেলুন। সাদা কাপড়ে দাগ লাগলে উঠে যাবে।

​লেবুর রস

১. সাদা কাপড় লেবুর রস মেশানো পানিতে ভিজিয়ে কিছুক্ষণ রেখে দিন। এবার ভালো করে ঘষে সাবান পানি দিয়ে ধুয়ে ফেলুন।

২. সাদা কাপড়ে দাগ লেগে গেলে দাগের উপর লেবুর রস দিয়ে দিন। এবার ব্রাশ দিয়ে দাগের ওপর কিছুক্ষণ ঘষুন। দাগ দূর না হওয়া পর্যন্ত লেবুর রস এবং ব্রাশ দিয়ে ঘষতে থাকুন।

৩. সারা রাত লেবুর রস মেশানো পানিতে কাপড় ডুবিয়ে রাখা যায়। লেবু রসের ব্লিচিং উপাদান সাদা কাপড়কে আরও সাদা করে তোলে।

সূত্র : এই সময়।


Dr. Henry Mintzberg, a prominent management researcher, conducted research to find out what are manager duties or responsibilities.

In 1916 Henri Fayol was the first to define the manager. Dr. Henry Mintzberg wanted to find out if Henri Fayol’s 50-year-old definition of manager and management definition still stood in the 60s and 70s. So he conducted research based on the structured observation method.

For this, Mintzberg observed the daily activities of five executives for one week.They all were from 5 different types of organizations; a consulting firm, a school, a technology firm, a consumer goods manufacturer, and a hospital. He kept track of all their activities and analyzed it.

His research report titled “MANAGERIAL WORK: ANALYSIS FROM OBSERVATION” was for his doctoral dissertation at the Sloan School of Management, M. I. T.

In January 1971, he submitted the report, and it was accepted and published in October 1971.

In his research, Mintzberg said that what managers do can best be described by looking at their work roles.

The term management role refers to specific categories of managerial behavior.

Managerial Roles

He identified 10 identified roles a manager plays in an organization which fall into 3 basic categories:

  1. Interpersonal roles,
  2. Informational roles.
  3. Decisional roles.

10 managerial roles by Henry Mintzberg are;

  1. Figurehead
  2. Leader
  3. Liaison
  4. Monitor
  5. Disseminator
  6. Spokesperson
  7. Entrepreneur
  8. Disturbance handler
  9. Resource allocator
  10. Negotiator

Interpersonal Roles

These roles relate to the manager’s behavior that focuses on interpersonal contact. Interpersonal roles are roles that involve people (subordinates and persons outside the organization) and other duties that are ceremonial and symbolic.

The three interpersonal roles include being a;

  1. Figurehead.
  2. Leader.
  3. Liaison.

According to Dr. Henry Mintzberg, These three interpersonal roles derive from the authority and status associated with managers’ posts.

1. Figurehead

The figurehead performs symbolic legal or social duties. All social, inspirational, legal, and ceremonial obligations.

In this light, the manager is seen as a symbol of status and authority.

2. Leader

The Leader builds relationships with employees and communicates with, motivates, and coaches them.

Duties are at the heart of the manager-subordinate relationship and include structuring and motivating subordinates, overseeing their progress, promoting and encouraging their development, and balancing effectiveness.

3. Liaison

The liaison maintains a network of contacts outside the work unit to obtain information.

Describes the information and communication obligations of a manager. One must network and engage in information exchange to gain access to knowledge bases.

Informational Roles

Informational roles involve receiving, collecting, and disseminating information.

The 3 informational roles include;

  1. Monitor,
  2. Disseminator, and
  3. Spokesperson.

These informational roles are all about receiving and transmitting information so that managers can serve as the nerve centers of their organization. The informational roles are;

4. Monitor

The monitor seeks internal and external information about issues that can affect the organization.

Duties include assessing internal operations, a department’s success, and the problems and opportunities which may arise.

All the information gained in this capacity must be stored and maintained

5. Disseminator

The disseminator transmits information internally that is obtained from either internal or external sources.

Highlights factual or value-based external views of the organization and subordinates. This requires both filtering and delegation skills.

6. Spokesperson

The spokesperson transmits information about the organization to outsiders. Serves in a PR capacity by informing and lobbying others to keep key stakeholders updated about the operations of the organization.

Decisional Roles

Decisional roles revolved around making choices. Managers’ interpersonal role leads to decisional roles.

Information and resources collected and gathered by the interpersonal enable a manager to play the decisional roles or responsibilities that he is obligated to.

The four decisional roles include being an entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource allocator, and negotiator.

7. Entrepreneur

The entrepreneur acts as an initiator designer and encourages change and innovation.Roles encourages managers to create improvement projects and work to delegate, empower and supervise teams in the development process.

8. Disturbance handler

The disturbance handler takes corrective action when the organization faces important, unexpected difficulties.

A generalist role takes charge when an organization is unexpectedly upset or transformed and requires calming and support.

9. Resource allocator

The resource allocator distributes resources of all types, including time, funding, equipment, and human resources.

Describes the responsibility of allocating and overseeing financial, material, and personnel resources.

10. Negotiator

The negotiator represents the organization in major negotiations affecting the manager’s areas of responsibility and is an integral task for the spokesman, figurehead, and resource allocator roles.

If we analyze Mintzberg’s findings, we can say that authority and status derive the interpersonal roles; interpersonal makes it necessary for a manager to play informational roles. And that enables a manager to make a decision.

These ten roles of a manager, stated by Mintzberg, come with many responsibilities. Informing, Connecting, and orders require a manager to be able to adapt to the situation and control it in a balanced way.

 Saree: The Essence of Bangladesh Culture

A Saree or Sari is a symbol of Bangladeshi womanhood. A saree is an unstitched stretch of woven fabric, usually 4-8 meters in length, covering the body as a robe with one end tied to the waist while the other end rests over one shoulder as a stole (shawl). Sometimes the midriff is left open. It is a form of ethnic wear in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Nepal.

Many women pin their sarees with dozens of safety pins to prevent falling. But the reality is the opposite. Sari is a Bangladeshi dress that women can wear without using a single safety pin. The overuse of safety pins makes your sari rigid and uncomfortable while walking.

Tips to Choose a Sari That Suits Your Personality

The most loved and famous style of draping a Sari is the Nivi style. But deciding what Sari to wear that gives a perfect look which your heart desires are complicated. Find out from the tips below what Sari suits you the best.

    • Pear-shaped body women wear Chiffon & Georgette Sarees as this creates a balance between the upper and lower body. Try Seedha Pallu Style draping, i.e., put pallu on your right shoulder. Saree in deep colours and small designer work would look great.
    • Apple-shaped body women choose long contrast colour blouses with heavy embroidery work saree. Women can go for a silk saree to look their best.
    • Overweight women should look for sarees that are loose, like chiffon and silk, instead of cotton or any stiff fabric. Full sleeved blouse in dark colour is the best option.
    • Voluptuous figure women can wear a sari made of chiffon, net, or georgette fabric to highlight their curves. A cross-stringed blouse with light embroidery & beadwork on saree will grab all the attention.
    • Slim-figure women can choose a sari that gives them a fuller look, like Cotton, silk and organza. You can select among light colours, heavy embroidery, beadwork, and bold prints with backless, sleeveless, halter or tube neck blouses.
    • Tall and slim women have a variety to play in their sarees. Big, bold prints, heavy borders, various colours, etc., anything they choose will grab attention.
  • Short and slim women should go with a small border as it makes them look taller. Avoid bold and heavy prints, as they can make you look smaller.

Blouses for Your Beautiful Saree

A blouse is a hand-stitched cloth to fit the upper body. Women wear it along with a saree and petticoat. Blouses enhance the charm of any sari. Also, it is considered the grace of Bangladeshi culture. These days, various blouse designs are available, making it fashionable and a piece of cloth that every woman loves to spend money on.

An ill-fit blouse damages the whole look and steals the charm of the saree, drapes, and pleats. It becomes a complete waste of money and time if the blouse could be better.




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Price in Bangladesh


TWS M10 Bluetooth Earbud

950 BDT

In Stock

M10 TWS Wireless Bluetooth Earphone

1,100 BDT

In Stock

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What are Earbuds?

Earbuds are a special type of earphone that uses True Wireless Stereo or TWS technology for connectivity. True Wireless Stereo (TWS) uses Bluetooth signals instead of wires or cables to transfer sound. Depending on the brand and type they support different Bluetooth versions. Namely Bluetooth 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, and BT5Xe. TWS earbuds usually come with a holding case that also doubles as a charging case for the earbuds. The case has an inbuilt battery that can charge the earbuds multiple times and is used to charge the earbud. The case has either a micro USB or USB Type C PD port to charge its battery. There are a few Gaming TWS earbuds that feature specialized RGB lighting indicators.

How do Earbuds work?

Depending on the brand and the accessory in question, different TWS devices connect to media sources in different ways. Many TWS earphones use a single earbud as the primary connection between the media source and the second bud. Earbud one sends a signal to the source device, connects, and then the source device forwards the same signal onto bud two, providing an immersive surround-sound experience. Other types establish a connection between the earbuds first so the media source device can connect to them both. From there, the integrated Bluetooth chip sends audio simultaneously to earbuds one and two. This prevents undue strain on only one earbud, improves connection strength, and provides clearer audio.

Tips to remember before buying Earbuds

Everyone wants to get the best one within their budget. No matter what budget range you are in there are many TWS earbuds available. To find out the best match remember these tips.

Ergonomic fit

The TWS earbud must have a comfortable design and the right fit alongside comfortable ergonomics.

Charging case and earbud battery

Make sure the earbud case has a battery strong enough of charging each earbud at least twice or more. The earbud’s internal battery should not be lower than 25 mAh.

Supported Bluetooth version

The Earbud must support Bluetooth 4.0 or higher. Because older Bluetooth 3.0 earbuds have severe latency and audio distortion issues.

How are True Wireless Earbuds different than regular Earphones?

Now as we have mentioned earlier, TWS earbuds utilize True wireless technology for transmitting sound which eliminates the need for wires. Making it convenient and easy to use without worrying about cables getting tangled in pockets or snagging on door handles. Most TWS devices have a Bluetooth range upwards of 30 feet while still keeping a clear connection making them ideal for yard work or exercise. Regular earphones can’t offer that. TWS earbuds are also remarkably easy to pair, easy to use and have a 75 percent longer battery life than traditional wireless earphones. True wireless technology also offers high-quality stereo sound and an immersive clear, crisp surround sound audio experience. Even if users wear just one earbud, they will still have a complete audio experience as the audio isn’t split.

Buy From the best Earbud Shop in Bangladesh

TWS Earbuds have proven themselves to be a modern-day iteration of earphones. It has all the strengths of an earphone but none of the weaknesses. If you want one, You can easily order a TWS online from the best TWS Earbud Shop in Bangladesh Star tech. Star Tech is the biggest Computer, laptop, computing component, Gaming accessories, Earphones, TWS, Neckband, Office equipment, Gadgets, Networking, and Camera Retail and Online shop in Bangladesh. We have TWS earbuds from famous brands like Lenovo, Huawei, Sony, Jabra, Apple, JBL, Jabra, Nokia, Havit, Anker, Aweii, Uisii, Oneplus, Xiaomi, and Edifier. We have delivery available in all the 64 districts of BD.


You Don’t Have To Choose Between Great Sound and Looking Great

Designed for those who want to listen in style, Lenovo HE05 Neckband Headphones mimic the look and feel of a fashion accessory. All components feature the same color scheme for a timeless aesthetic, allowing you to make a bold fashion statement everywhere you go.

Engineered for premium sound, Lenovo HE05 Bluetooth headphones combine 10mm dynamic drivers with composite diaphragms. The streamlined design ensures a comfortable, fatigue-free listening experience.

  • Fast, stable wireless Bluetooth connection
  • Larger 10mm driver unit for better bass
  • Built-in noise-cancelling Mic for hands-free calling
  • Magnetic earbuds, tangle-free and never falling off
  • One button to adjust music, volume and answer/reject phone call
  • Waterproof, born for sports and fitness
  • Silicone neck, comfortable and bendable

Dedicates to Details

Advanced Bluetooth 5.0

  • Adopted Bluetooth 5.0 chipset and high sensitivity antenna enabled devices to provide stable and fast seamless connectivity, which also ensure low latency and low energy features during data transmission.

80mAh Battery for Long-lasting Music Enjoy

80mAh low power consumption rechargeable battery enables Lenovo HE05 Wireless Headset a 8 hours playtime and 120 hours standby time, while 2.5 hours fully charged.

Waterproof and Bendable Neckband

  • Built with the precision-designed housing and internal nano coating reinforcement technology, Lenovo HE05 Bluetooth Sport Headphones prevent sweat and water.
  • The neckband is made of a soft, skin-like silicone and a built-in stainless steel composite tube, which allows the neckband to stay close around your neck for secure fit and fold for easy storage in your pocket or travel case.

Fashion in Style While Comfortable in Ear

Built for Your Active Lifestyle

  • Bigger than other driver units, its robust 10mm dynamic drivers with composite diaphragm deliver immersive, clear sound.
  • Ergonomically designed earbuds with a 45° oblique angle ensure a comfortable, secure fit
  • Convenient 3 button controls let you take calls, skip music, and adjust volume without interrupting what you are focusing on.
  • A built-in noise-canceling microphone ensures crystal clear communication as if you were talking face-to-face.

#Lenovo #Neckband #Bluetooth

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